Rock pools along the James River in Richmond provide VCU research students with a unique ecosystem to explore.
As a top 50 public research institution, we have an unrelenting drive to discover and to create. 我们的教师, staff and students are exploring ideas that will reimagine the human experience and tackle the problems of tomorrow.
At the heart of it all is the VCU Office of 研究 and Innovation, Microgreens那里你可以发现意想不到的东西, 实验, 以前从未尝试过的.
- 一个 of 3.7%的大学被指定为R1
- 一个 弗吉尼亚州五所R1大学中的一所
- $460M+ Microgreens2023财年的赞助研究经费
我们帮助你的研究起步. Find a project, get research funding, connect with faculty mentors and more through the 本科生研究机会计划.
生物学专业的安迪·沙尔发现了一种墨水 conducts electricity, which will allow scientists to make wearable devices and eSkin technologies.
心理学专业的Vanessa Olazabal探究道 links among Latine students’ ethnic-racial identity, 的关系, the pandemic and how alcohol use and anxiety were affected.
With support from a research fund for undergraduates, communication arts major Sethe Howell created 10 original monster illustrations for a horror novel she co-created.
工程专业的Caleb Wells正Microgreens测试 miniscule polymer scaffolds that will lead to better biodegradable implants in the human body.
- 350+ student presentations at the 2024 undergraduate research symposium
作为VCU的研究生或博士后, you'll have the chance to dive into research that matters to you, working side by side with faculty experts when you need guidance.
From engineering clean rooms to observation rooms to acres of wetlands, VCU faculty and students have access to the most advanced 研究机构.
The Virginia Microelectronics Center in the VCU College of Engineering is a shared research center providing principal investigators, 学生和工业研究人员培训, 接入和技术支持.
Students participate in field work at Curles Neck Farm near VCU’s Rice Rivers Center as part of NASA’s Student Airborne 研究 Program.
In the Trani Center for Life Sciences greenhouse, Students grow microgreens as part of their Urban Food Production class; the microgreens are harvested and donated to Ram Pantry.
The College of Humanities and Sciences STEM Building opened in 2023 and features instructional wet and dry labs, 数学交流, 教室, 计算机实验室, 学习空间和更多.
A Medical Laboratory Sciences general teaching laboratory in the College of Health Professions building.
The Stravitz-Sanyal Institute for Liver Disease and Metabolic Health is developing new treatments and therapies to stop, 预防和逆转肝脏疾病.
VCU Shift Retail Lab provides an important space for student entrepreneurs to test their ideas through sales and customer feedback.
横跨VCU的校园, 教练, researchers and clinicians have turned to VR for teaching, 培训和病人护理.
科罗拉多州立大学Rice Rivers研究中心, 俯瞰詹姆斯河的地方, 包括办公室, collaborative/teaching spaces and state-of-the-art research laboratories; researchers can even pump water directly from the river into the facility’s labs.
以病人为中心, the Stravitz-Sanyal Institute for Liver Disease and Metabolic Health will transform lives through translational science.
科罗拉多州立大学Rice Rivers中心, VCU生命科学的一部分, 支持奖学金和学生指导, 包括水资源, 气候科学, 野生动物保育及湿地恢复.
We believe students have the power to turn ideas into solutions that make the world a better place.
- VCU达芬奇创新中心. This hub of creativity harnesses the power of cross-disciplinary collaboration to produce the next generation of innovators and creators, and it’s committed to increasing diversity and inclusivity in entrepreneurial and technical ecosystems.
- VCU创业学院. Underrepresented students and local entrepreneurs learn and work together, earning micro-credentials in innovation and entrepreneurship along the way.
- VCU的零售实验室. 这是第一个, this storefront lets students and alumni test their products, 为现实世界的客户提供服务和想法.
- 卡贝尔工作坊. Need specialty software, an audio recording studio, 3D printers, or a sewing machine? 访问 the Workshop makerspace at Cabell Library and get help from its innovative media team.
- 科技转移及投资. Bring your idea to market with the help of licensing professionals and business developers who know the landscape.
Launch a startup while you earn a degree or certification in innovation and entrepreneurship.
- B.S. in Business with a concentration in management/entrepreneurship
- Certificate in Health Care Innovation (graduate)
- Certificate in Product Innovation (undergraduate)
- Certificate in Sustainable Innovation (undergraduate)
- Certificate in Venture Creation (undergraduate)
- 执行长米.B.A. with a concentration in entrepreneurship and innovation
- M.B.A. with a concentration in entrepreneurship and innovation
- 产品创新硕士
- 辅修创业
- 前20名 美国最具创新力的公立大学.S. 新闻 & 世界报道
- 165 patents filed by by VCU 科技转移及投资 in FY2023